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Zeta Nu Welcomes 13 Members After Recruitment Weekend

Panhellenic Council sponsored formal sorority recruitment January 27-January 29 and had more than 80 women sign up to participate in the process. Alpha Sigma Alpha's theme this year was "Heaven is a Place on Earth".

On January 25, six sisters talked with potential new members at Meet the Greeks. VP of Alumnae and Heritage Breonna Duckworth, Aisling Doyle, VP of PR and Recruitment Caitlin O'Hanley, President Caitlin Adams, Treasurer Molly Caruso, and Caroline Dooley were all welcomed potential members to the recruitment process, talked to them about the values, in Alpha Sigma Alpha, and introduced them to our philanthropic partners.

After Open House, Philanthropy Parties, and Preference Parties, we were thrilled to welcome 13 members into the sisterhood on Bid Day! We're so excited for them as they start their journey into Alpha Sigma Alpha at Moravian College.

Welcome Emilie, Auria, Bridget, Mary, Devan, Abby, Haillee, Carla, Andi, Victoria, Amanda, Lyric, and Dana to Alpha Sigma Alpha-Zeta Nu! We can't wait to see you develop into women of poise and purpose!

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