Alpha Sigma Alpha National Sorority
In the fall of 1901, five women rushed the Longwood University (Farmville,
Virginia) sorority scene. Throughout the process, they became extremely
close and formed a strong friendship. All five ladies were extended bids
from separate sororities, only to turn them down. Virginia Boyd (Noell),
Juliette Hundley (Gilliam), Calva Watson (Wootton), Louise Cox (Carper),
and Mary Hundley came together to found Alpha Sigma Alpha on
November 15, 1901. The goal of this new sorority, as stated by the charter,
was "to cultivate friendship among its members, and in very way to create
pure and elevating sentiments, to perform such deeds and to mold such
opinions as will tend to elevate and ennoble womanhood in the world."
Chapters Nationwide
Members Nationwide
More than 145 collegiate chapters and more than 70 alumnae chapters
100,000+ Sisters
Aspire, Seek, Attain
Mascot: Dot the Ladybug

Star, 4 Point Crown, Palm Tree, Phoenix