Why Alpha Sig
Friendships and Sisterhood
When you join Alpha Sigma Alpha, you are not just meeting new friends, you are joining your college family. Because friendship is the most enduring of all aspects of your college career, the sisterhood developed by the Greek experience is special, as it maximizes your opportunities for such friendship. There is a common bond that is unique and very private. You will enjoy the benefits of sisterhood that will last a lifetime and actually grow stronger with time.

Our sisters love spending time with each other, both on and off campus!

Everyone in ΑΣΑ is a leader, whether you're an officer, on a committee, or active member. You'll learn how to run effective meetings, speak in public, motivate others…skills that will help you in the college and throughout your life. These days it takes more than just a degree to get a good job--it takes leadership experience.
Our 2016 President Taylor accepting Zeta' Nu's Attain Award at the 49th National Convention and Leadership Conference in Orlando, FL July 2016
The first and foremost priority of Alpha Sigma Alpha is academic achievement, and helping our members achieve this goal is the primary objective of the sorority. Support and help are always forthcoming through formal study hours, tutoring groups, study buddies, and many informal programs.

Two of our scholarly awards received at the Panhellenic Scholarship Dinner in Fall 2016.
Social Activities
Offering a break from the demands of the classroom is one of the benefits of the Alpha Sigs. Throughout the year, ΑΣΑ participates in many social events such as Homecoming, mixers, Greek Week, and formals. These events give you the opportunity to meet a variety of people and strengthen bonds of friendship.
Our sisters at Homecoming 2021, where we won first place for our float and third for our banner!
Community Service
Alpha Sigma Alpha spends a significant amount of time helping others in need, with members donating a minimum 25 hours a year towards giving back. The commitment found in our members can be seen in the enthusiasm they have in giving back to the community in the form of philanthropic work with the S. June Smith Center, the Special Olympics, and various other causes on and off Moravian College's campus and in the Bethlehem community.

Some of our sisters doing a community clean up after our retreat!
Alumnae Connections
Alpha Sigma Alpha alumnae members frequently come back for events like Homecoming, our Red and White BBQ in the Spring, and serve as Pen Pals to current members even a decade after graduating. You gain sisters for life, and a sorority leaves an impact that lasts long after being an active member.
Some of the alum who came to our most recent Alumni BBQ in the Spring of 2022!